Our Commodore 64 Works

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This is a selection of stuff that SCA created, coded, cracked, trained, doc'd or spread between 1983 and 1988. It also includes cracks and tools made by SCA members before they founded the Swiss Cracking Association.
Sledon Intro (1986)
Theme Thrust (1986)
U.C.A's Title (1986)
Digi-Slide-Show V0.2 (1987 ?)
Theme Jailbreak (1987-01-18)
The Fun Service! (1987-02-15)
Gorgeous (1987-03-04)
SCA Competition! (1987-03-25)
The Rosarian (1987-03-30)
Flexible (1987-09-20)
C64 Top Five
C64 Top Five II
Loud and Proud
Skramble (1983)
Burger Time (1984)
Summer Games (1984)
Blade Runner (1985)
Little Computer People Research Project (1985)
Mercenary Intro (1985)
Summer Games II (1985)
The Newsroom (1985)
Winter Games (1985)
Knight Rider (1986-08-03)
Miami Vice (1986-08-03)
Cobra (1986-12-24)
Bounder (1986)
Elektra Glide (1986)
Green Beret Trainer (1986)
Rock'n Wrestle (1986)
Willy the Worm Part II (1987-04-28?)
Army Moves Trainer (1987-04-28)
Hades Nebula Trainer (1987-05-28)
Quedex (1987-10-05)
Northstar Trainer (1988-04-13)